OLJ Tasks- Explore developing a Social Media Policy

Based on the advice given in various articles, I would giveĀ  5 key pieces of advice to a social media working party or committee.

1. Be clear about the PURPOSE of Social Media

Is the bandwagon just being leaped upon, or is there a distinct advantage in using social media in the school context? What benefits can be harnessed? What can social media do that other forms of communication cannot do as effectively?

2. Ensure a POLICY is clear and available

Writing a social media policy provides structure that both protects and enables all stakeholders. This policy needs to be clearly written and communicated. To avoid a misuse or unfortunate social media faux pas, employees and clients need to fully understand the purpose of social media in the particular context of the school. Employees especially need to be aware that employers reserve the right to monitor what their employees say on social media. Such legal outlines are important to include in a policy.

3. ADAPT current policies

Communication is such no matter what the platform. If employees are guided by policy to inform respectful communication in phone calls and emails, social media is no different. Ethics extends to all forms of communication and this must be clearly outlined for employees.

4. RESPECT copyright and protect confidential and proprietary information

Proprietary information must be protected no matter what platform is used to communicate. The boundaries do not change with social media.

5. Provide VALUE

Whatever is posted in social media should provide value to the community at large. There are many ways schools can use social media to offer recommendations or promote services. If you consistently aim to provide value, social media becomes an effective, constructive and indispensable communication tool.

OLJ Task- Shifting Trends

From a school library perspective, many of these trends or shifts in technology use outlined back in 2009 have a huge impact on what an information policy for the school might need to include.

1. 1 000 000 books published worldwide every year/ 1000 pages digitised every hour through Google Book search scanner

There is a real shift for connecting with the written word through digital avenues. It is immediate, timely and relevant, especially using Google Books search tool. Books can be accessed 24/7 and not just when the library or book store is open. What if the text needs to be shipped from overseas? This takes a long time. Digital access provides immediate connection, just when you are inspired and when your interest is piqued. School libraries need to seriously consider a shift towards digital access. This way texts can be ‘borrowed out’ to multiple readers simultaneously, not one at a time.

2. Newspapers- printed circulation down 7 million over last 25 years; Online circulation is up 30 million in last 5 years

Clearly, what we have known for some time about the importance of immediate connection when dealing with news influences this trend. News happens and social media platforms alert the world. When people want to find out more, traditional printing of newspapers isn’t fast enough in this social media world. School libraries should connect users to digital online news rather than continue to subscribe to dated hard copies of newspapers.

3. Traditional advertising declining; Digital advertising is growing rapidly

Because traditional publications are declining, it would seem logical that advertising in those arenas would also decline. As school libraries try to brand their image, consideration needs to be made to a digital approach to inform users of programs and news. Social media is the most immediate connector, whereas once newsletters , emails and telephone calls were the norm.

4. 10 million unique visitors to 3 large tv networks every month/ 250 million unique visitors to 3 large social networking platforms every month, which didn’t exist 6 years before.

This trend highlights the senselessness in holding on to more traditional methods of communication and connection. School libraries need to embrace digital trends. The fact that such companies that didn’t exist 6 years previously could pull such a high impact speaks volumes regarding the fluidity of social media. What is popular now may not be in a few short years. That is why school librarians need to stay informed about changes and trends in social media. Tools such as current social media infographics are important for continuing professional understanding for all teacher librarians.

5. The mobile device will be the world’s primary connection tool to the internet in 2020.

Progressively technology is becoming more powerful and smaller in size. Of particular interest was the point made that the most powerful computer in 1965, which was housed in a building, is nothing compared to what we now carry around in our pockets. This amazing trend highlights how much we have the world at our fingertips. How much the world needs to catch up in terms of providing access to what this technology can do. School libraries need to include in their policies clear guidance regarding mobile technology and ‘bring your own devices’. Clear policy about how these devices are used, access provided by the school and security of information should be included in such policy writing.